nature days is time for kids to explore their local ecosystems.
As we enter into a school year with many unanswered questions, one thing we know for sure is our students will not be spending enough time outside.
Nature Based is here to help.
Starting this September, we will be hosting Nature Days with Nature Based for students in 1st through 5th grades.
This is our take on forest school.
Nature Days is our take on forest school
Most children living in an urban environment are disconnected from the natural world
Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods, coined the term “nature-deficit disorder” to describe the human costs of being alienated from nature
We are here to help change that
Nature Days with Nature Based
It is a whole day - rain or shine - spent outside in Prospect Park exploring all the wilds our great park has to offer.
We believe that unstructured outdoor free play is integral to a child developing creativity, social skills, problem solving skills, and an understanding of how the world around them works.
Students will become certified Nature Based Junior Naturalists as they are guided through exploration play while immersed in nature.
Each Nature Day will have a theme with limited structure.
Students will shape their exploration in small groups with other students their age range.
Groups will be kept to about five or six students per educator.
We are opening up our first class to students in 1st through 5th grades. .
Guest appearance ‘lecturers’ who will bring exciting show-and-tell type chats to Nature Days. These guests will relate to the theme of the day.
Nature Days will run from 8:30am to 3pm - We are also exploring a half day option.
Junior Naturalists are expected to be dropped-off between 8:00am and 8:15am at a TBD entrance to Prospect Park. Pick-up will be at 3pm.
Are you interested in Nature Days or want more information?
Fill out the form below to help us get a little bit more information about your Junior Naturalist!